Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Breathing, Beating and Blood

Breathing, beating or blood... or more specifically, the Respiratory System, the Heart and the Circulatory System. These were the chapters covered today in my first Anatomy & Physiology II test. Ugh.

Actually, I think it went pretty well. I put my earplugs in to drown out all external noise and distraction, had my water and my chapstick to help reduce distraction from internal noise (yeah that's right.. I use terms that I learned in previous classes) and I tested on. I'm taking a guess that I got a middle B to middle A.. wide range, I know. That's because I really don't know, but I feel good about it. Especially because I got a few of the bonus questions right. Heeyeah! ; D

What impacted me even more today than having to take a stressful test though, was what trying to study up for it revealed. How much less time I really have now that I'm a mom.

I have a very bad study pattern. Don't. And then about a week to 2 days before the test.. start cramming. This has fortunately/unfortunately worked well for me in the past. I seem to do much better at things (including life and tests) when I have a lot going on or I at least feel a sense of urgency. (you can see this common life-theme of mine covered in previous posts, here and here)

So a few days ago, I started cramming... and it did not go as well as I expected. You see, between
showering, eating, letting dogs in and out, nursing Ari, prepping baby food for Ari, feeding Ari, cleaning Ari up after feeding, changing him, bathing him, dressing and undressing him, helmeting and unhelmeting him, putting him to nap, playing with him, reading to him, doing laundry, washing dishes, etc, etc... and repeat and repeat and repeat... I don't seem to have as much time as I used to!!

You know, I was already aware that my life's become a lot busier since having a baby. But I didn't realize that there were so many things that could NOT be pushed to the wayside temporarily. There was almost NOTHING that I could back-burner to make room for cramming for this test. I ended up doing things very speedily, and interacting with my son less, which gave me a couple of hours total... and I don't want to give up son-interaction time. = \

So, although I think I may have made a good grade (by the skin on my teeth) I really don't want to do things this way again. I don't want Ari to suffer because of my procrastination.

My new goal, is to have studied the material covered in class before the next class starts. Some of you are probably laughing, scoffing, or both at this, because it seems like common sense. But, if you were able to get away with not doing it... wouldn't you? If not, you are much wiser than I, realize that a stress-free life and sanity are much more valuable than a few more hours a week of leisure time, and have much better impulse control.

They say that stupid people don't learn from their mistakes, smart people learn from their mistakes, and wise people learn from other peoples' mistakes. As the title of my blog indicates, I am working on becoming wise. But I am "baby-steppin'" it, and working on the transition from stupid to smart first... *sigh*.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Bitch is Back (warning: female subject matter)

That's right ladies (and perhaps a few gentlemen).. after almost a year-and-a-half of being away due to pregnancy and nursing... that crabby, edemic Aunt Flo has returned.

I know you're like, TMI Rachel. ("Too Much Information" for you unsavvy folks) But this seriously is a topic that I would like to address.

I really have not missed Aunt Flo experientially. (I will continue to use this pet name to make this subject more tolerable for you faint-of-heart readers) It's been nice not having to deal with all the cramping, crazy emotions, fatigue, bloating and crabbiness that her visits bring. Part of me was hoping that she would never return.

But, now that she's back, I realize that there is something about her monthly presence that is comforting to me. Here are a few of the reasons I have been able to identify:

First, and I warn you that this is graphic.... (stop reading and skip to the next paragraph if you don't want to read something graphic... okay, I really warned you so continue if you want, but don't say I didn't warn you...).. there is something very enjoyable to me about things that are supposed to exit my body, making their way out. This is one of the reasons why I really like pooping. I have a very vivid imagination and regarding Aunt Flo, I always imagine all this "stuff" up in me getting old and decaying every month. I look forward to when it leaves so "fresh stuff" can take it's place. I know, laughable and gross, right?

Secondly, I like the fact that it means that I can have more children... in theory. Of course it doesn't always work that way. Many people have to suffer through Aunt Flo's visits but are not able to have children. But having Aunt Flo visit again makes me feel happy that there might be Baby Wales #2, 3 and maybe 4 someday. (other factors involved... such as Drew having a complete change of mind/heart) = )

Finally, there is something about Aunt Flo visiting every month that makes me feel "female". Of course I know that Aunt Flo does not visit men. What I mean is that I can imagine that it could be an emotional occasion when Aunt Flo permanently stops visiting. Women must have a hard time with menopause, or when they have to get a hysterectomy, because one of the things that makes them distinctly female.. no longer occurs.

So anyways, this was all going on inside my brain, so I thought I would spew it out... because that's what blogs are for.. right?! = D

Now off to chug down some more ibuprofen... ugh.

photo from

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mango Salsa, YUM!!

It's almost too chilly for salsa to sound appealing so I'm sneaking this recipe up before it's too late, because it's sooo good. = D My sister Naomi made this salsa and brought it to Anna's 20th birthday party. It's from Simple You can check out the original page by clicking on this link.

Mango Salsa Recipe


1 ripe mango, peeled, pitted, and diced (about 1 1/2 cup) (See: How to Cut a Mango)
1/2 medium red onion, finely chopped
1 Jalapeño chile, minced (include ribs and seeds for a hotter taste if desired)
1 small cucumber, peeled and diced (about 1 cup)
3 Tbsp fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
3 Tbsp fresh lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste

Also good with diced red bell pepper and jicama.


Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. Season to taste with salt and pepper. If the salsa ends up being a little too hot or acidic for your taste, you can temper it by adding some diced avocado.


Friday, September 24, 2010

The Helmet Norm

It has been a week-and-a-half now since Ari got his helmet, and things are finally starting to feel normal.

He still seems to care less about having it on or off, which is such a relief, and the rash on his forehead has greatly improved, which is HUGE. I don't really mind it anymore, and sometimes I don't even remember that it's there.... but, sometimes I still do.

One thing that's been interesting, is that I find myself feeling self-conscious about Ari's helmet when we go out in public. I don't really feel like people are judging Ari, but that maybe they are thinking bad things about me. Maybe they're thinking that I did something wrong to cause him to need the helmet.
Of course they don't know the whole story, so if they are thinking that it's my fault they would be completely ignorant, but it still does bother me. And don't say "oh people aren't thinking that", because I know for a fact that people think things like that. We are all human, and I even catch myself thinking stupid, judgmental, ignorant things sometimes. Anyways, I've just been doing what I normally do whenever I feel self-conscious.. acting like I don't. Soon after (as usual) I start to believe my behavior (or forget about the feelings) and I don't feel self-conscious anymore! lol = )

So that's the latest. I feel like I can see a little difference in Ari's skull, but it might be
"♪ ♫ ♩ ♬.. just my imagination, once again..♪ ♫ ♩ ♬"...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ari's First Follow-Up

Ari waiting in the room while his helmet is being adjusted.
You can't really see the rash well from this far away.

Ari's first CranioCap follow-up appointment was today.

I showed the specialist the rash on his head, and she commented that it looked like a pretty decent rash. She said that it did not seem friction related, but more likely heat/moisture related.
She thinks that he probably has very sensitive skin (since he also has eczema) and that it's possible that soap residue from his head, the helmet, or both is irritating his skin since it's trapped under the helmet with moisture. She instructed me to only wash his head every-other day for now, even though it's been getting stinky. She also said that I should wipe his helmet out once a day, only with rubbing alcohol, not soap and water. She told me that I should also continue to add additional very short helmet breaks throughout the day like I have been, leaving the helmet off just long enough for his head to dry before putting it back on. She told me to make an appointment to see our primary care doctor about getting some sort of creme if the rash does not go away, or really improve, in one week.

She examined his skull, and said that his occipital bone (the one on the base of the head in the back, if you don't know) is a pretty prominent bump, which is a good sign. She told me that these next two months will still be ones of rapid growth, so we should end up seeing some good results. She said growth will slow down after the 10th month, but won't completely stop, of course.

She then worked on his helmet. She pushed out the helmet in the two areas where his scalp has been showing signs of friction, as well as the areas right above his ears, to alleviate some pressure. She also drilled some more holes in the helmet (the max amount she was able to) to aid in air circulation, and told me that I'm doing a good job not dressing him as warm. She said if his feet and hands are not chilly, then he's warm enough. Good to know!

So yeah, that's it. I included a photo of his lovely rash below... poor boy. = ( It already looking like it's improving since this picture was taken this afternoon though. Phew.. helmet wearing is a little complicated! I am so grateful that Ari doesn't have any health condition, like seizures or something, that would require him wear one for years, or his whole life. I only have to deal with this for a few more months. = )

Here We Go A-Pondering...

A recent note posted by a friend has me thinking more about relationships. Lately I've become more aware of the the things I say, or rather don't say, when I'm talking to the people I care about, and pondering my motives.

I think that a relationship is often maintained by what you refrain from saying and doing, rather than what you choose to say and do, if not more so.

For the past few months actually, I've been semi-consciously working to alter the way I interact with people. There are SOOO many times
(this is not unusual) where I have wanted to chime in with something playfully hurtful, or jab back when someone jabs at me, but I haven't. I could, but that would be a hit on the relationship. It most likely wouldn't end it right then and there, but it would cause an injury to it. Instead I've either laughed it off, tactfully redirected, or just carried on as if the original jab never happened in the first place.

Proverbs 15:1 says that, "
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." It would make sense then that there is a spectrum. Even if our response is just somewhat negative, but not harsh, it will stir up some negative emotions; a hit on the relationship.

we do need to directly respond to the comment for some reason, there is a better way to do it. Proverbs 25:15 tells us that, "Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone." There is power to taking the high, or wise, road, and responding with kindness. Not with fake kindness, but with a genuine gentle and loving spirit.

Here is a verse my Mom quoted to us over and over growing up:
Ephesians 4:20, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

I'm still not always great at the whole "turning-the-other-cheek" thing, and I still enjoy jabbing at people for fun more than I probably should, but I guess I'm realizing that often times the relationship itself is much more important to me than "one-upping" the other person playfully, or not so playfully.

Just some food for thought; hope you enjoy the taste. = )

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helmet Day Three Cont., and More

Sorry I haven't updated the last couple of days. I worked overnight on Friday and that unfortunately put me into a downward spiral of exhaustion and disinterest in doing anything but sleep for a couple of days. ; ) It was so much easier to work overnights when I was in the habit of it. Now it just disrupts my normal schedule. Oh well... I really do like my job. Where did I leave off last post?...

... oh yeah, so day three finished off very well. That was the first night that Ari wore the helmet all night long and he slept all the way through the night; 11 hrs!

Day four was his first day of wearing the helmet for the full amount of time. The full schedule involves him wearing the helmet for 3-4 hours at a time with 1/2 hr breaks in-between all day long, timing it to where he is wearing it during naps, and also wearing it all night long without breaks.

Ari is such a champ. Seriously, I am so proud of him! He doesn't seem to be fazed by wearing the helmet AT ALL. Not even with some of the (so far) minor issues we've been encountering.

The first is that Ari has been getting what seems to be a little bit of heat or moisture-related rash on his forehead. This rash looks similar to the one he gets on his neck from his wet bib. (I swear I try to keep up, but the drool is just overwhelming!) Anyways,
prior to wearing the helmet, his skin has always been very clear.

He has also been getting what seems to be a minor rash, or friction-related pinkness, on two specific points on his head. I say pinkness because it is not the severe redness that we were warned to be concerned about, but I'm still keeping my eye on it. The spots are near mirror images of each other, so I have been leaning towards thinking they are indeed friction-related. I've been tightening the helmet a little bit more when I put it on, so that it doesn't slide around quite as much, and that seems to be helping.
I was told to expect some redness as his head grows and is pushed in the right direction by the helmet, so I guess it may actually be a good thing for it to be a little red on occasion.

Another issue that we've been dealing with, which I was not expecting but probably should have in hind sight, is the smell. Ari's head has been getting stinky! Almost mildew or moldy smelling. Now I have never personally had one, but I'm guessing that having a cast on could cause the same smell?..

So, I've started wiping the inside of the helmet with some diluted baby soap on a washcloth, wipe-rinsing it with water after (I don't want it to get too wet), drying it with a towel and then letting it air dry, twice daily, and it has been helping.
Every-other day I'm also adding a midday wipe-down of rubbing alcohol with a cotton ball to get any soap scum off. I time these cleaning sessions so that I wash his helmet immediately after I take it off for one of his breaks, so that it's completely dry by the time I put it back on his head.

I have started another new thing. When I take his helmet off for a break, I brush his hair with a baby comb so that I make sure all of it gets lifted off his scalp each time. I'm hoping that this will help any moisture hiding under his mushed down hair evaporate before his helmet goes back on each time.

I'm also washing his hair once a day now. I hadn't been doing this pre-helmet because his skin was always getting too dry and irritated if I did. We definitely don't have the dryness issue now. Sweaty little boy. He's just so darn active! = D

I'm actually doing a little better the past couple of days with not having as much access to Ari's head for snuggling. It's sad, but that mildewy, moldy smell has helped... (*gag*).. hopefully it goes away though. ; D

So yeah... I think that's all the helmet updates. Still deciding how to decorate it. I haven't had time to talk to Drew about his ideas yet, because he is working turnaround at the plant he works at. He's working 14 hrs/day, 7 days/week for a whole month, until his units are back up and running. Ugh.

Ta ta for now! = )

Upper left is some sort of motorcycle/vehicle helmet. Ari's is not like this one either.
(photo from

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Helmet Day Three

Helmet day three is almost done!

We are still easing onto the full amount of time that Ari should eventually wear the helmet. Today Ari wore the CranioCap for 2 hrs at a time with 30 minute breaks. I was told to time it to where he wore his cap at nap times and he is also wearing it all night long for the first time tonight.

We went to the zoo today with some friends, and had a great time! It was chilly and wet outside, and I was a little cold in what I was wearing. I had a hard time deciding if Ari was warm enough, given that he had his helmet on. I ended up dressing him in socks, jeans, a onesie and a long-sleeved t-shirt. I also laid a blanket over him whenever I thought he might be too chilly. If he was, he never complained. Just hung out in his stroller, oo'd, ah'd, smiled and roared (that's his new thing) when I took him out to socialize, and slept a little. Such a hard life. ; )

I am very interested to see if he sleeps through the night tonight with the helmet on. He's been sleeping through the night since 2 1/2 months old, minus a few nights when he was in growth spurts here-and-there. I dressed him down a little from what I would normally put on him for bedtime, so hopefully he won't get too hot or cold. I trust he will wake up and cry if either happens... at least I hope he will...

Tomorrow will be our first full day on the cap, so that should be interesting. Not as many helmet breaks. = ( Oh well... only 3 or 4 months more to go. *sigh*

Above right is pictured an underwater diving helmet... not the kind of helmet that Ari has...

Review Page!

Hi Everyone! "On Becoming Wise" has received RAVE REVIEWS! Thanks everyone! I've included a "Review Page" to include some of the more awesome ones. Check it out! = D

please be advised that this blogger does not take herself too seriously, in case you did not get that vibe already...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Helmet, Days One and Two

Ari and I hanging out this morning.

Helmet days one and two are done, and have gone very well.

For the rest of day one, per the schedule given to us, Ari continued to wear the helmet for one hour on, and a half-hour off, not during naps, and not during the night. All went well; no bright red marks after each wearing period to indicate that his helmet is too tight in any area.

Today was day two, and as indicated on the schedule, Ari wore the helmet for 1 1/2 hrs at a time with half-hour breaks in-between again. He was to wear the helmet for naps, but not tonight for bedtime. He did not have any problems at all wearing his helmet during his naps. He was his same silly self, pulling himself up to standing in his crib several times while crying as usual, before finally falling asleep. ; )

I have noticed, as I was warned, that Ari does get warmer than usual due to wearing the helmet. The few times, when I would take the helmet off, his forehead would be a little sweaty, and when I changed him the eczema on the backs of his knees was slightly more inflamed from being too warm. So, I have been dressing him down a little when he has the helmet on, and that has been helping.

I will have to say that the helmet really has been somewhat protecting him more from injury... but in payment, I myself have been getting injured more often. You see, Ari is a very snuggly little boy, and has a habit of plopping his head down on my shoulders and towards my face, especially when he is tired, to hug me and have me kiss his cheeks, forehead, etc. I have already been clocked in the nose, chin, cheekbone, etc many times, but this has proven to be even more dangerous for me now that he has a "tupperware" helmet on. I have already noticed myself developing new defensive techniques, such as guiding his head gently towards or away from me, by holding onto the opening at the top of the helmet. Although that is helping a bit, I predict that I will have received my fair share of bumps, bruises and scratches from this helmet by the time we are done with it.

Needless to say, I very much cherish our helmet "breaks", and clock lots of snuggle time during them, but the helmet is not ending up being such a bad thing so far. I will continue to keep you posted. = )

Ari and I snuggling during a helmet break.

Helmet Poll

Okay, so I did decide to put up a poll to help me decide what I want to do with Ari's helmet.

If you have any other ideas, please feel free to comment with them, and I may add them to the poll. If you want to include the reason why you think we should choose a certain idea you can write a comment with that as well.

Please be advised that Drew will also be in on decision making. ; )

photo from

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ari's Helmet Day!!

Ari's Helmet Day arrived!!! And it went pretty well, I have to say.

We drove to Gillette's at Regions Hospital, went straight to the specialty equipment area again and met with a man who specializes in fitting infants with CranioCaps.

First he went over what we could expect, explaining that we should be patient with results since Ari is already in his 7th month of age. He said it could actually take more like 4 months, but that we'll just wait and see. The earlier you start the CranioCap treatment the better, because the rate of growth slows down as infants get older. Next he gave us a sheet that detailed how much time Ari should wear the cap on the first, second, and third days, and how by the 4th day Ari should be wearing it the full 22, or so, hrs a day. Finally he explained how to clean the CranioCap, and then put the cap on Ari and proceeded to make adjustments.

He drew on the cap with a marker to indicate the places that needed to be shaved down more, for example to make more room around the ears, and went into a back room to do the shaving while we waited in the room.
He came back and did this several times until he was confident that the cap fit correctly. He also removed the cap each time to see if there was any "blushing" on the skin from where the helmet was pressing too hard, and marked that as well to adjust. After he was done, he asked us if we had any questions and we were on our way. You can see some pictures below of us waiting, and of Ari in the fitting room right after we were done.

We will go back in one week to have a followup appointment, and then every two weeks until we are finished. The same fitting/shaving process will happen each time as Ari's head continues to grow.

I went straight to my Mom's house afterward, because I was feeling slightly stressed out from the whole ordeal and didn't want to just go back to an empty house. I felt like I was doing okay, but after I fed Ari was when all the emotions finally came tumbling out. I was burping him, went to kiss his neck, and I couldn't reach it because there was a helmet in the way! I didn't even realize up until today how often I do this. I tried again, and it still didn't work. So I started to cry. I cried for about five minutes while Ari crawled around on the floor with his helmet, happy as can be, and then I felt a little better.

I took several pictures of Ari in his helmet so that you can see what it looks like. As you can see, it is still very possible to have fun in a CranioCap. ; ) We haven't decided if and how we're going to decorate it yet. Check back; I may put a poll up to see what you think we should do with it. = )

Thanks again for your support! I'll try to keep you updated on how it's going. = D

Before the 'Dawn of Time'

I used to be of the opinion that all dish soaps were the same, and would simply buy the cheapest and/or best smelling cheapest one I could find. Ladies and gentlemen, I was living under the power of a LIE!.. and I am now solidly convinced that they are NOT.

The 'Dawn of Time' is an amazing creature with mystical, magical powers! It has the ability to create time when there was none before! Where washing dishes by hand used to take hours and hours, now it only takes halves of hours!! It's amazing. The 'Dawn of Time' is able to lift up dried on foods without the aid of any mortal tool such as a dish sponge or washcloth. Simply pour the 'Dawn of Time' in a pan of hot water, mix and wait. When you return, the dried foods will magically be lifted from the pan surface. Soak all your dishes in a sink full of 'Dawn of Time' water and when you come back you will be able to easily wipe them down with a washcloth. Super amazing!!

We don't have a dishwasher and I used to HATE hand washing dishes. I still don't "like" hand washing dishes, but now I am not left with bitter hatreds bubbling up inside my soul after I am done. I suggest buying the 'Dawn of Time' with the picture of a cute little baby leopard seal on the front, so that you can also feel like you are doing some good to sweet baby creatures worldwide as you wash your dishes. = )

wings and tail from

Monday, September 13, 2010

Ari, Pre-Helmet.

Tomorrow is the day!! Ari will be getting his CranioCap, and will have to wear it around 23 hrs/day for hopefully no more than 3 months.. maybe less. (see "Hooded and Scanned" for more info) Right now I feel pretty good about it all. I feel composed and hopeful. However, I have a feeling that I might break down after he actually gets it put on. There's something about seeing Ari go through health related issues that really gets to me emotionally. Maybe that's just a "mom" thing. = )

I thought it would be interesting to do before and after pictures for Ari's CranioCap treatment. So, above are some before pictures. Afterward I will try to get the before and after pictures side-by-side.

If you are a praying person, please send up some as you think of us. We're praying that the treatment will be effective, quick and that Ari will not deal with any skin irritation/break down issues from wearing the helmet. Thanks everyone for your support! = D

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Blog Page

I have added a new tab at the top of my blog called "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things". It's pretty self-explanatory, so check it out! Let me know if you have any suggestions as to what other kinds of things I could include. = )

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Wheat/Dairy Trial # 1

I was instructed at Ari's and my last doctor visits to try dairy and/or wheat each month to see how both our bodies handle it. I've tried it the last two months with mixed results. Two months ago, it still made me feel very sick. Last month I felt only a little sick, but Ari's butt got super rash-y. So I guess this isn't really trial #1..

Anyway, this past week I tried having a pancake one day, and ice cream twice.. each time with about a day in between. It actually went pretty well!... for me. I didn't have any major issues, but Ari's butt got bad again. I mean RAW bad. I guess that means that I'm dairy/wheat free for at least another month.
*sigh* Oh well, it's not really that bad anyway.. there's a lot of good alternatives out there.

Thinking about Tofutti makes me hungry... mmmmm..

Knee-Slapping, Belly-Laughing Fun

Drew, Ari and I went over to my parents house for my sister Anna's 20th birthday party last night. Mom made her homemade spaghetti, we had cake, and Anna opened her presents. People got fed things they were allergic to, sprayed in the butt with water bottles... it was a lot of fun as usual! (no severe reactions.. don't worry)

I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have such an awesome family. Every one of them is hilarious and fun to be around in their own special way... some more special than others. (*cough*Gabe*cough*) You should all be jealous of the fact that you are not part of my family. Okay, fine Mom.. I take it back. Even though it's true, I wouldn't want to make any of you stumble into coveting. ; )

If Hollywood found out about us, they would go crazy... we would make a insanely interesting reality TV show... for reals. No seriously.. you have no idea. I LOVE it. If only you could be a fly on the wall... heh heh heh. = D

Artwork by Yours Truly.. whoever that is. ; )

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Passing of a Friend (a somber tale)

I would like to take a moment to outwardly grieve the passing of a dear friend.

My bellybutton piercing and I were very close, together for 9 years, since 2001. Our favorite shared beauty, my pink gemmed zipper ring, moved on to greener pastures.. namely my sister Anna's belly button, on her 20th birthday, September 7th, 2010.

After the birth of my son Ari, things just weren't the same between us. She didn't feel as secure, caught on my pants often, and wasn't able to shine out in the open as she used to. We both felt it best to end our union, before our last moments together could no longer be remembered as pleasant.

Belly button piercing, your presence will be missed, your absence appreciated. So long my friend... *sniff* (I already miss you) =' (

(picture taken 8/6/2009 after sunbathing together in our backyard when I was only slightly pregnant)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finally Over the Edge!!

These last ten or so pounds of baby weight have been so hard to lose, but I am finally over the edge of this darn weight loss plateau!!

When I recently saw my midwife for a routine visit, among other things she asked me if I was still losing weight. I informed her that I was having trouble losing the last ten pounds of baby weight, and that I really wanted to lose even more after that. She asked me if I was exercising and eating fruits and vegetables. I told her that I was doing a pretty decent job at walking several times a week with my sisters, and that I ate some fruits but was not good about eating veggies. She said that if I wanted the weight to start coming off again I really needed to increase the amount of vegetables I eat. Then she gave me some homework. She said that, rather than getting overwhelmed by trying to eat all the fruits and vegetables I should at the beginning, she wanted me to try and eat one more fruit and one more veggie each day than I have been.

I accepted my homework, and have been trying very hard to eat one more fruit and one more veggie (sometimes more) each day. And guess what? The pounds have started coming off again! Since that visit, I have lost about 6 more! Wow.. I guess they know what they're talking about when they say that veggies are important! = )

Now I am making an effort to eat even another veggie each day, and have also started my plan to do Pilates again on a regular basis- at least a few times a week. I can't wait to see what difference THAT makes!

So, here's to being a loser again!! ; )

photo from

Ari Crawling... what?!!!

So, I totally knew that Ari was VERY close to crawling. I mentioned it to several people- one of them reminded me of this as soon as I posted news about it on FB. But, I didn't predict the effect that it would have on me.

I thought I would be excited... which I am. I thought I would be proud... which I am. But, I am also, once again, sad. = ( It is so special having your little boy crawl across the room to YOU, because he loves you and wants to be near you. SO special! But, it really makes me feel like I'm losing my little baby which, in reality, I am! He is slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) but surely, turning into a little boy. The sitting up, the teeth, the crawling... those are things little boys have/do... not babies. *sniff*

Although I am allowing myself to grieve for a short time, I am totally going to do my best to enjoy this chapter, as I have the past ones, before it is gone. My little boy will one day be a boy, then a teenager, and then a man. But for now, he's just a little crawler... who is currently getting into something he shouldn't... gotta GO.... = D

Clip art from

Friday, September 3, 2010

Curry Chicken Salad

Drew and I had dinner at one of his coworker's house this summer. Someone brought a curry chicken salad that was amazing! Even more amazing, because I could eat it- no wheat and no dairy. Recently I did my best to replicate it, without having a recipe, for a family reunion up North. My mom really loved it (as everyone should!), and wanted the recipe. So, again I thought I would post it here, in case anyone else is in the mood for a delightful chicken salad before it gets too chilly to enjoy it. ; )

c = cup t = teaspoon

3 Lg or 4 reg boneless skinless chicken breasts
3 stalks of celery sliced or chopped
3 green onions (sliced into thin circles)
1 apple chopped
1-1 1/2 c rasins
1-1 1/2 c halved grapes
2/3 c toasted sliced almonds (you can do this yourself, but watch constantly, lest they burn)
1 c mayo
2 t curry powder
1/8- 1/4 t freshly ground black pepper
1/4-1/2 t salt

Cook your chicken breasts and cut them up as small as you'd like. I cut mine into about 1/2"- 3/4" cubes. Chop up all your cold ingredients, toast the almonds and mix them all together with the chicken. Mix the mayo and curry powder separately to make sure they are well blended before adding to the mix. As with all cooking, taste along the way and adjust ingredients as you prefer. Chill, and enjoy! = ) Feel free to let me know how yours turned out!

Image by: Maggie Smith

Fall is in the Air!

Ari and I took a walk this morning with my three younger sisters and twin nephews, and Fall was in the air! It was breezy, cloudy, a chill 54 degrees out, and it felt GREAT!

Fall doesn't officially arrive until September 22nd this year. But, it seems that every year around the time that school begins, it starts teasing us here and there, as if beckoning us to forget those hot, humid summer days and welcome the beautiful seasonal changes ahead.

Fall in Minnesota is my very favorite season by FAR, and I cannot wait until it is in full swing! Blue skies, still green grass and vibrant, colorful leaves. Jeans and T-shirts, shoes and hoodies; a little sniffle in your nose and briskness in your step as you walk to your destination. The smell of burning leaves, apple cider and crisp, cool air. Ah yes; I am a Fall girl for sure! = D

photo from