Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Finally Over the Edge!!

These last ten or so pounds of baby weight have been so hard to lose, but I am finally over the edge of this darn weight loss plateau!!

When I recently saw my midwife for a routine visit, among other things she asked me if I was still losing weight. I informed her that I was having trouble losing the last ten pounds of baby weight, and that I really wanted to lose even more after that. She asked me if I was exercising and eating fruits and vegetables. I told her that I was doing a pretty decent job at walking several times a week with my sisters, and that I ate some fruits but was not good about eating veggies. She said that if I wanted the weight to start coming off again I really needed to increase the amount of vegetables I eat. Then she gave me some homework. She said that, rather than getting overwhelmed by trying to eat all the fruits and vegetables I should at the beginning, she wanted me to try and eat one more fruit and one more veggie each day than I have been.

I accepted my homework, and have been trying very hard to eat one more fruit and one more veggie (sometimes more) each day. And guess what? The pounds have started coming off again! Since that visit, I have lost about 6 more! Wow.. I guess they know what they're talking about when they say that veggies are important! = )

Now I am making an effort to eat even another veggie each day, and have also started my plan to do Pilates again on a regular basis- at least a few times a week. I can't wait to see what difference THAT makes!

So, here's to being a loser again!! ; )

photo from www.cksinfo.com


  1. This is such good information. I am a fruit lover, but don't buy vegetables often. I am going to put vegetables on my grocery list.

  2. Way to go Becca! Let me know if you find any delicious gluten/dairy-free ways to prepare them. My favorites so far are squash, zucchini and asparagus. I put them either in a 9x9 pan or tin foil in the oven with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. I've also been doing V8 (low sodium) and salsa with tortilla ships for a snack. = )
