Friday, September 24, 2010

The Helmet Norm

It has been a week-and-a-half now since Ari got his helmet, and things are finally starting to feel normal.

He still seems to care less about having it on or off, which is such a relief, and the rash on his forehead has greatly improved, which is HUGE. I don't really mind it anymore, and sometimes I don't even remember that it's there.... but, sometimes I still do.

One thing that's been interesting, is that I find myself feeling self-conscious about Ari's helmet when we go out in public. I don't really feel like people are judging Ari, but that maybe they are thinking bad things about me. Maybe they're thinking that I did something wrong to cause him to need the helmet.
Of course they don't know the whole story, so if they are thinking that it's my fault they would be completely ignorant, but it still does bother me. And don't say "oh people aren't thinking that", because I know for a fact that people think things like that. We are all human, and I even catch myself thinking stupid, judgmental, ignorant things sometimes. Anyways, I've just been doing what I normally do whenever I feel self-conscious.. acting like I don't. Soon after (as usual) I start to believe my behavior (or forget about the feelings) and I don't feel self-conscious anymore! lol = )

So that's the latest. I feel like I can see a little difference in Ari's skull, but it might be
"♪ ♫ ♩ ♬.. just my imagination, once again..♪ ♫ ♩ ♬"...

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