Thursday, September 16, 2010

Helmet Day Three

Helmet day three is almost done!

We are still easing onto the full amount of time that Ari should eventually wear the helmet. Today Ari wore the CranioCap for 2 hrs at a time with 30 minute breaks. I was told to time it to where he wore his cap at nap times and he is also wearing it all night long for the first time tonight.

We went to the zoo today with some friends, and had a great time! It was chilly and wet outside, and I was a little cold in what I was wearing. I had a hard time deciding if Ari was warm enough, given that he had his helmet on. I ended up dressing him in socks, jeans, a onesie and a long-sleeved t-shirt. I also laid a blanket over him whenever I thought he might be too chilly. If he was, he never complained. Just hung out in his stroller, oo'd, ah'd, smiled and roared (that's his new thing) when I took him out to socialize, and slept a little. Such a hard life. ; )

I am very interested to see if he sleeps through the night tonight with the helmet on. He's been sleeping through the night since 2 1/2 months old, minus a few nights when he was in growth spurts here-and-there. I dressed him down a little from what I would normally put on him for bedtime, so hopefully he won't get too hot or cold. I trust he will wake up and cry if either happens... at least I hope he will...

Tomorrow will be our first full day on the cap, so that should be interesting. Not as many helmet breaks. = ( Oh well... only 3 or 4 months more to go. *sigh*

Above right is pictured an underwater diving helmet... not the kind of helmet that Ari has...