Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ari Crawling... what?!!!

So, I totally knew that Ari was VERY close to crawling. I mentioned it to several people- one of them reminded me of this as soon as I posted news about it on FB. But, I didn't predict the effect that it would have on me.

I thought I would be excited... which I am. I thought I would be proud... which I am. But, I am also, once again, sad. = ( It is so special having your little boy crawl across the room to YOU, because he loves you and wants to be near you. SO special! But, it really makes me feel like I'm losing my little baby which, in reality, I am! He is slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) but surely, turning into a little boy. The sitting up, the teeth, the crawling... those are things little boys have/do... not babies. *sniff*

Although I am allowing myself to grieve for a short time, I am totally going to do my best to enjoy this chapter, as I have the past ones, before it is gone. My little boy will one day be a boy, then a teenager, and then a man. But for now, he's just a little crawler... who is currently getting into something he shouldn't... gotta GO.... = D

Clip art from Clker.com


  1. It is crazy how fast they grow up! Enjoy this stage while you can, it won't be long and he will be running around and jumping off of the furniture. Then you will look back at this age and think about how little he was. :)

  2. I seem to have the opposite problem of a lot of moms I know. They want their kid to grow up faster, to be done with diapers, nursing, etc. I want him to stay a baby FOREVER. lol ;) I really am doing my best to enjoy each stage though. He is pretty darn cute crawling all around with his little diaper butt. Wait till you see him! = D
