Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ari's Second Checkup!

Ari's second CranioCap checkup was today!

It went very well! The specialist said that his head is improving, and that his cranial bones are starting to make their way in the direction they're supposed to be heading. YAY!

She said that she had been thinking about "this baby" and his rash, and wondered how he has been doing. = ) I told her that his rash had been really improving, but that now it seems that all his eczema is doing worse, and new spots are popping up on his head, under his chin and on his face. She told me that I should make an appointment for him to see his pediatrician and see if there is some cream that we can get for him. She said that we really don't want it to spread anymore because he may have to take a break from helmet wearing if it gets worse, and the age he is right now is still optimal time for head growth. (He is 8 months old now, by the way) She also said that I can continue to put gauze under the helmet in the areas I have been, if it seems to help, as long as he's not getting pressure sores from the gauze bunching up.

After we talked, she took Ari's helmet to the back room and expanded it more on the sides where it was too tight (his head has been growing!) and also higher up in the back so that his bones will start moving up that way now. Very exciting!! = D

So, I have made an appointment for Friday to have Ari seen for his eczema. It really does seem to be spreading like wildfire.. poor boy. Although, as usual, he doesn't seem to mind. I look forward to finding out how much he weighs while we're there! I swear, he must be over 20 lbs by now! My chunky little cutie... = D

Here's a few casual shots of Ari's head for kicks and giggles.. you can see that we're making some progress!

(check out "Ari, Pre-Helmet" to see the before pics)