Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Has it Been Two Weeks Already?!!

That's right, it has!

Wow, time has really flow by this month. Ari has his.. 6th? CranioCap appointment tomorrow.

I am not really looking forward to going in this time. Ari had a fever for a couple days last week while we were celebrating Thanksgiving in Branson, MO with Drew's family. On those days, we kept his helmet off to help him stay cool and now I feel like we missed out on some good progress. Of course 2/14 days is not really that big of a deal I guess. But still, I am less excited about this visit.

I know he will need it adjusted a little, because his neck has been getting some chaffing marks on it. I guess that means his head is growing, right?!

Well, off to bed. Still feeling under the weather.