Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ari's Fifth Checkup!!

Ari had his fifth helmet checkup today!! = )

The specialist adjusted his helmet a little bit, and then we talked a bit about when Ari might get the helmet off. She said that because he is doing so well in the helmet and doesn't mind wearing it, we could perhaps go even up to 11 1/2 months old with it on but that we'll just see how it goes. That would be two more months. She said the last month would probably be a modified wearing schedule; only during naps, at night and during long car rides.

Drew and I already talked about how we want Ari to continue the treatment for as long as we could see results happen, so this is not a problem for us. We want his head to have the best chance of becoming normal shaped.

Ari is doing sooo well. I completely forgot to mention it, but Ari took his first two steps on Sunday night at my parents house! I think I am still in shock from it, which is why I haven't been blabbing all about it. He is only 9 1/2 months old and he's not even been in the practice of standing without holding on to thing yet (though he's been cruising like a mad man for some time now). Sheesh. I can't believe how fast he's growing.

Here's some pictures of my crazy little guy waiting to get his helmet back. ; )

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