Monday, December 6, 2010

Ari's Sixth Checkup!

Sorry it's taken me FOREVER to write about Ari's latest CranioCap checkup. Things have been VERY crazy for me! Recovering from being out of town, classes, Drew's BF visiting from out of town, holiday stuff, work trainings, lab final prep just to name a few. Phew! Wish I could have kept up and blogged about it all too, but alas. = )

Anyways, Ari had his 6th CranioCap checkup last Tuesday, almost a week ago now. It was another pretty short visit, but a good one.

The specialist adjusted Ari's helmet while we waited. This was actually the last visit that they had originally told me to schedule, so after the adjustment we discussed what we wanted to do from there.
She said that normally it's decided that treatment should discontinue by now, since growth is slower and kids get more fussy about having the helmet on. But, she thought that since Ari is such a laid back guy and doing so well in the helmet, and since I still catch him rolling on his back to sleep sometimes, we could keep the helmet on for 5 more weeks. She told me that she wants to see us in two weeks (one week now) and then 3 weeks after that for the last visit (since growth then will be even slower).

I am excited about this. We have already seen such great progress during the first half of the treatment, that I want to get as much as possible before we discontinue treatment! And Ari really could care less about the helmet.. he is so used to it by now. = )

The specialist also told me to start giving Ari longer helmet breaks, so that he can start getting used to experiencing normal every-day injuries. Now we're doing three 45 min-1 hr helmet breaks a day when he's crawling around/cruising, trying hard to still have the helmet on anytime he is lying on his back, in his car seat or sleeping.

I have to tell you, it's sure been working. That boy has been getting more bruises, bumps and cuts, and I have heard more crying, in the past week than probably all the previous months of his life combined. Mommy has been doing a whole lotta comforting. My little boy is growing up. = )

So that's probably all the helmet news for now. Oh, except for that we've been finding temperature control even harder now that it's winter out. It's sooo hard knowing what to dress him in. It seems like he's always too hot, or his little hands and feet are too cold. He still doesn't complain though. I swear, he must be the most laid back baby on the planet... minus all the drama. He sure is a dramatic little boy in many other areas. ; )

On to a few fun new developments:

Ari is cruising like a maniac. Seriously. He's maniacal about it. He races around the table as fast as he can cruise, rapidly panting with effort and excitement, and sometimes giggling. It's hilarious. He looks like he's lost his mind and is loving it. = )

He is also able to crawl/climb up onto short objects now, like his little baby sofa or my nursing pillow if it's on the floor. It's pretty darn cute.

Just a couple days ago, he did "sooo big" for the first time when I asked him how big he was. He was so proud of himself. = D

Also, his top right front tooth has poked through about 3 mm now! So cute. We still haven't been transitioning to solids very well. I think I need to start working him towards eating soft finger foods, because he is very capable of picking up tiny things with his "pinchers" now and also does the grinding movements with his jaw. Ugh.. so much to think about. I don't think life will ever be easy again. = )

Here's a couple final pictures of him at Pho Quan, my favorite restaurant in the world, which we were at for my birthday this past week. He had a helmet break when we were there. He was so tired, but had a great time. He's so stinkin' cute.. wow. = D

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