Friday, March 18, 2011

14 Weeks Pregnant!

Wow. Time has been FLYING by. I am now entering my 2nd trimester!! Woo woo!

I had my second visit with the midwife yesterday and FINALLY got to hear the heartbeat! We got to "see" the heartbeat at our early ultrasound, but getting to hear it was music to my ears. Nice strong heartbeat and now in the upper 140s to lower 150s. My midwife says that the wives tales about heart rate are somewhat accurate, but not until the 3rd trimester and there is still a lot of error. The wives tale is that a lower heart rate means it's a boy, whereas a higher heart rate means it's a girl. We do plan to find out the gender at the 20 week ultrasound so we shall see! = )

Things are going pretty darn well lately. I still feel nauseous, but just in the evenings, and not as severely as just a week ago. I am starting to get some energy back, but still really do need an afternoon nap to make it till bedtime. My heartburn is still staying manageable with Tums.. though I would like to try some more natural remedies once I find the time to get my hands on them.

Ari is growing up so fast. His latest thing is that he wants to know the name for anything and everything in the world. He will gesture with his hand (not point) and say, "Ehh?!!" about a billion times a day. It's so cute.. but sometimes it does get a little overwhelming and then I just have to distract/redirect him. = ) Some of his favorites to hear are "bananas", "crock pot", "light" and "door". When we're outside it's "snow" and "sidewalk". He such a little cutie. Poor guy is sprouting his upper lateral incisors too, so he's been having a rough go of it lately. I'm praying that they pop through very soon!

Spring break is over which means I am back to evening classes two nights a week. We have our second lecture exam coming up on Tuesday, so I really need to get my butt in gear. I think that if I can commit a hour a day to studying I should be good to go. I'm hoping I can make that happen...

Onto my last bit of news. Our church began a prayer experiment on Monday called "Leap of Faith" that will go 40 days, ending on Easter. We have been encouraged to pray big things for ourselves, others, and our church or city and see what God does. I have decided, amongst other things, to pray for healing from my food allergies. As many of you know, I am currently allergic to wheat, dairy and eggs. This is probably one of the biggest, most intimidating prayers I have ever prayed for on behalf of myself, but I am really excited about it. I am praying along side of that that my faith will be increased over this 40 days and that above all, God's will be done.. be that healing or not. I trust that He knows what's best, and if He decides that He can be glorified more in me not being healed, then so be it. But.. I really do feel like he wants to and and am praying persistently. = D

Well, it is nap time.. so I aught to be heading to bed. Hopefully I'll be able to update more often now that I'm starting to feel better. Tschau!!

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