Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ari's Seventh Checkup!

Wow. This has been the most insane month ever. With my birthday, finals, and now being sick.. ugh.

Yes, we are currently all sick over here with either an evil mutant cold, or the flu... which is also evil. It's been over a week since the first of us got sick, and I've been sick since Friday. I was supposed to work tonight, but I asked them to take me off if they have a low census.. and they just called me to tell me that they were able to cancel me!! Thank God. Well, I definitely don't have the energy to catch you up on everything, but I'll mention some of what's been going on.

Ari had his seventh CranioCap checkup a week-and-a-half ago now.
This was the SECOND TO LAST CHECKUP!! I cannot BELIEVE that the next one is our last one! Wow.

The appointment went very well. The specialist adjusted Ari's helmet as usual. This time she actually shaved off some of helmet above his sideburns, because it didn't need to be there anymore to help keep it on and it was causing him some chaffing. So far it hasn't seemed to help a lot. I think it's more cradle cap or eczema or something instead of chaffing that's going on there.

After that we discussed Ari's schedule. She said that really we could leave the helmet off now except for when he is lying down: changing, napping, and also when reclined in the car seat.

We are going to go 3 weeks between visits for this last one, because Ari's head will be growing slower now. So at the beginning of January, he will have his last visit and then be HELMET FREE!!! Woo hoo! I told his specialist, Janet I believe is her name, that we need to get a picture of them together at the last appointment. She was so happy about that, and told me that I will have to email her a copy. She will miss seeing Ari. = )

Ari has been growing so fast lately! He is so close to walking on his own. He has taken up to 4 steps from one person to another. He can also walk very well holding onto his walker toy that his Grammy and Papa gave him. He is clapping, shows you how "big" he is, and waves hi and goodbye now too! He says "Mamamama" and "Dadadada", and I think he tries to say "Boo Boos" which is one of our nicknames for Abita (one of our dogs). One of Ari's favorite things to do lately is to pull all the books off his bookshelf and sit in the middle of them all "reading". He such a stinkin' cutie. = D

Academic update: I got an A in Anatomy & Physiology II !! Wow, what a crazy semester; my first since having a baby. Next semester I will be taking Microbiology with the same teacher. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.. right?! = ) Also, next month I will be applying to the North Hennepin Community College Nursing Program! I am applying to this program because they have a Night/Weekend program, which Century College does not. If I get accepted, and God willing, I will start Fall 2011!

Other than that, I still have Christmas shopping to do, gluten-free Christmas food recipes to prepare and stock up for, Christmas cards to make (they'll probably be New Years cards again) and Ari's first birthday party to plan. Oh well.. at least we have a white.. VERY white Christmas coming up this week! And Ari's first! = D

Merry Christmas Everyone!!.. in case I don't blog or see you before then. = D

1 comment:

  1. wow so much going on!!! isn't it nuts how fast they grow and learn to do new things? crazy!
    sorry you guys are all sick. we had it with a vengeance here and it was terrible.... shoveling while having a fever was NOT fun.
    what are you doing for his first birthday? i have to start thinking about audrey's and i just.... i dont know WHERE to do it cos our house is so tiny! and then, who do you invite? we only have so many little friends.... hmmmm...... you've got me thinkin already!
