Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Preggo Again!!

Many of you already know this from FB, but I thought it was post worthy anyways. = ) We are very excited about this. Drew is excited that we're having our 2nd and final (his words) child, and really hopes it is a girl. = ) I calculated the due date on my own because my midwife doesn't need to see me until mid February. If my calculations are correct, I am due on September 15th!

I actually found out last week, but have been pretty darn sickly since so I haven't gotten around to it. My morning sickness did NOT start this early with Ari at ALL. I actually haven't thrown up at all yet, but have nausea almost all day long every day. It's been very hard for me to eat food because of that, and also because nothing sounds good.. except potato chips with hummus sometimes. I just got prescribed Zofran for nausea, which I took during my first pregnancy. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to take it this time since I'm still nursing Ari though.

Nursing and pregnant... what a calorie requirement. I have not been meeting it in the least. I've lost several pounds so far, which I know can be normal in the beginning of pregnancy. But it does concern me, mostly for my own health. I know the baby and Ari will get what they need from my reserves, but I want to keep the calcium in my bones and other vitamins and minerals in my body.

Anyways, in other news, it's Ari's first birthday today!! Wow, the time has flown to who knows where. I can't believe I have a little toddler on my hands! We already had one party for him at my family's house on Sunday night. It was very fun. Ari got to eat a cupcake and open a few presents. I was so nervous about the cupcake because it was just your average cupcake, full of wheat, eggs, dairy and who knows what else. But, he's at his 1 year mark now, so we can start trying those with the blessings of his doctor.

One of the first things I'm going to try to introduce him to is cows milk. I didn't know this, but apparently pregnancy reduces your milk supply. I've already noticed the difference. It's made me really worried because I don't know yet if Ari can handle any alternatives. But, I'm working on trusting God that Ari will be okay. None of the kids in my family could tolerate cows milk for the first few years of their lives, so we had soy alternatives which worked just fine. It could be an adventure.. but hopefully it will be uneventful and Ari will be able to tolerate everything perfectly.. just like my husband. = D

This morning my sister Naomi and her twin boys met up with Ari and I at a kids playplace in a local mall. It was fun to be able to do a little something special ON Ari's birthday, since we're not really doing anything as a family tonight- I have class. This coming Saturday we're having a gathering at our house with some friends. I wish it were summer so that we could invite tons and tons of people.. but finances are low and our house is not large. I know it will be very fun for Ari though. = )

And so Ari's second year begins... = D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ari Has Graduated!!!!

Wow, so it has been quite a while since I last posted. But do you know what?... I was on VACATION from SCHOOL! ; D Yes, I was trying to relax and have a great holiday season, and I succeeded. = D

But now I'm back in school (taking Microbiology.. eeek!) and am ready to blog about important things! Such as.. Ari graduating from his CranioCap treatment!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen. After 16 weeks of wearing the CranioCap, Ari is done.

The appointment on the 4th was not really a normal visit since it was our last. It started out with Janet, the specialist, asking us about how things had gone the last three weeks. They had gone very well, although some of Ari's rash was back. He still didn't mind the helmet though, which I think is amazing. = )

Next, Janet went and got the mold of his "beginning-treatment" shaped head so that we could take it home as a souvenir, which is nice. She took Ari's helmet off, put the mold inside and locked the Velcro; his treatment was OVER!! = D

After that we chatted a bit about how much Ari has grown since he started the treatment, what a sweet and laid-back baby he has been through it all and how much we were going to miss seeing each other now that it's all over. Janet is seriously one of the sweetest ladies ever. Finally, we took a few pictures, said our goodbyes and Ari headed out the door (in stroller) a free man!!

It was really very bittersweet. I am sooo glad the treatment is over. I get to kiss Ari's head all the time, stroke his hair, he won't smell of mildew anymore and hopefully all his rashes will clear up. But, we will miss seeing Janet, the unexpected level of protection the helmet provided, and the rounding-out treatment itself.

Although we started Ari's treatment at over 7 months old (which is on the late end) the end result was that he went from having moderate plagiocephaly to mild plagiocephaly, which is amazing! Janet said that if a baby was brought in with the slight degree of flatness that Ari still has, they would not suggest treatment because it is so mild and will continue to round out as he ages.
We absolutely consider Ari's treatment to have been a very great success, and are glad we did it!

Thank you so much for coming along on this journey with us, and providing such awesome encouragement and support. This experience has landed us some new friends, given us the opportunity to provide unique support for others and strengthened our faith in God. Through Him, all things are possible; He is good and in control no matter what happens. = D

Now finally, here is what you've all been waiting for. In progression: Ari's before pics, half-way pics and his AFTER PICS!! Whoo hoo for Ari! = D
Let us know what you think!

Oh, here also for your enjoyment is a few fun photos of before and after Ari's first haircut today that he had today! Thanks to Chris at Mes Amis Salon in St. Paul. What a great friend and excellent haircut. = D