So I am now 10 weeks pregnant with #2... or #2 and #3... just kidding.
It's funny because the other night I had a dream that I was having twins.. a boy and a girl. I shouldn't be surprised that I wonder. First of all, my sister has fraternal twin boys. Secondly, my midwife told me that it is a very common "wonder" of most 2nd time mothers because you tend to show sooner with your second. But, at my first visit with her yesterday, she did tell me that I seems to be measuring further along than my last period date would indicate, so she wants me to get an ultrasound next week to get a better estimate of how far along I am.
The first visit was everything it was the time around. Questions about family history, my health history, my current eating habits, exercise, symptoms, weight gain (or in my case loss) do I want to do a water birth again, etc. Breast exam, internal exam, measuring of my uterus.. etc etc. Fun stuff. What I was somewhat disappointed about was that we were not able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler this time. The midwife did warn me that 10 weeks is on the earlier end. My first visit with Ari was more around 12 weeks and we did hear the heartbeat then. At least we get to have our ultrasound next Thursday to confirm life, due date and maybe hear the heartbeat then! = )
As of 10 weeks, I am still very tired. My nausea has taken a turn for the better though and I am mainly sick only in the late afternoon through evening now. Mornings have gotten a lot more manageable. Eating is going better too.. in large part due to my wonderful husband making me awesome Potato Leek (and chicken) Soup last weekend.. which almost lasted all week. I need to convince him to make me some more ASAP! ; D Finally, heartburn has kicked up a notch, but so far mint Tums has been taking care of it. Thanks to my little sister Esther for recommending I try them. They don't make me gag like the fruity Tums do! = D Overall things are going very well.
Onto other news, Ari seems to be working on pushing a couple more teeth out. These would be his incisors on the top. He has been POURING drool lately. I cannot keep up with the dry bibs and am actually debating buying another pack, it's seriously that bad! He's such a trooper though. We've also been introducing more foods into his diet since his one year checkup, at his doctor's okay. We've successfully introduced Cheerios (some wheat), blueberries and are working on plain yogurt. We are on day 4 or 5 of yogurt and so far he has had a raw butt rash only, which the doctor told me not to worry about (but of course to treat). I think he may also be getting a rash around his mouth though. I am going to continue giving it to him, while monitoring closely for worsening symptoms. I am hoping and praying that he will not have food sensitivities like I do.
Microbiology is going pretty well so far. I am irked each week that I have lab from 8-10pm, when there was originally an option for a 6-8pm lab. When I signed up I did not know I was pregnant and by the time I found out it was too late to switch. Oh well. I do really like my lab group. They are very nice and awesomely helpful people, which is good because by 8pm my brain has definitely turned a large portion of itself OFF.
I guess that's it for now. I'm scheduled to work tonight. Ugh. I really like my job, but I do NOT like it in the first trimester of pregnancy. I am hoping that I get canceled. God knows what I can handle though. It would be nice to have some cash to make a Mary Kay order.. I am out of almost all of my skin care products.. hmmm.. I guess I'll leave the decision up to Him. ; )
Ari's 1 year doctor appointment is tomorrow! Although he turned one year old at the end of January, it's taken us this long to get in for his checkup. First they didn't have any availability, and then his doctor took a day off.. on his appointment day last Thursday.. and we had to reschedule. So is life.
I'm really looking forward to this appointment because I have a TON of questions. Anytime I think of something I jot it down so that I can ask everything at once and save doctor visits if possible. I know.. I'm super smart. ; )
Ari is such a big boy now. He is walking like a pro and really has some complex babbling going on lately as well. He loves to read books and especially play with things that make noise.. including the dogs. Archie really doesn't care for him much (he just hides and burrows under blankets for most of the day) but Abita has started warming up to him lately and seeks him out to play. It's really sweet. = )
On to other news. I am now 9 weeks pregnant with our second. (9 week fetus in upper right) So far this pregnancy is definitely different than the last one. I won't go into all the physiological details. The most marked difference is in how I feel. I feel nauseous for much more of the day.. pretty much all day long.. but am not throwing up as much. I have officially threw up a couple of times now though, so I can't say I haven't at all.
I am taking Zofran now, which I also took during my first pregnancy. I am taking about half as much as I did last time (4 mg instead of 8). I still feel nauseous, but it helps me be able to tolerate it and eat some food. My nausea in the evenings has been getting worse, which might be due to heartburn starting to kick in. I'm going to try to stick to the lower dose, but if anything maybe I'll just up it in the evenings.
So far, due to the nausea and the fact that I am still nursing Ari, I have lost about 6 lbs. I'm not super happy about that, but I am at least losing weight less rapidly now that I'm taking the anti-nausea meds. Everything I've read says not to worry too much about losing weight during the first trimester, as long as you're eating healthful foods.. which I am. So, I am trying to relax and trust God. = )
I have to say, being with child.. with a child.. is a whole different story than being pregnant with your first. When I was pregnant with Ari, and I was tired.. I would just take a nap. If I felt sick.. I would just bum around or sleep. Now I don't have that option. I still have to take care of Ari, make his food, bathe him, change his diapers, show him love and attention.
I think that I've grown up quite a bit in the past few weeks actually, having had to put my needs and desires on the back burner even when I'm feeling so sick. My faith has grown also, because I have realized that I cannot do this on my own. God has been so good and is giving me strength, peace and wisdom as I try to figure out how to be a good wife and mother while I'm not feeling well on a regular basis. I am so thankful for how good He is and how much He loves me. = )
In conclusion, I am currently taking Microbiology in the evening, twice a week. This has also been very challenging- trying to pay attention while I'm feeling sick and trying to find study time during the day with a toddler at home. It has me questioning whether or not I would even be able to handle a night/evening nursing program homework load with two kids at home during the day. I'm not sure, but I know that God will give us wisdom about that as well. I won't be able to do the program this fall, now that I'll be giving birth in September, but maybe Fall 2012.. we'll just have to see.
Until the next time I have time to update.. "Not fare well, but fare forward, voyagers."
– T.S. Eliot